Will Writing Services
Please remember the RHN in your will. The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability has been caring for severely disabled people in need since 1854.
A gift in your will for the Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability (RHN)
If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to the RHN, thank you. You can start the will writing process today and in as little as a week you could have your will ready and the peace of mind of knowing your wishes will be carried out.
Gifts in wills (also known as legacies or bequests) are a crucial source of income for the hospital and they ensure that people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or are disabled due to a neurological condition can continue to receive the high-quality and varied care that they so desperately need.
For more information contact Isabel Barrett, Head of Legacies at 020 8780 4557 or email ibarrett@rhn.org.uk.