RHN Staff Win Beech Centre Annual Organisational Development Awards
16 March 2018
We are really proud of the RHN staff who won awards at the Beech annual awards this month. The Beech Centre is our organisational development (OD) partner, and they work with us to make the most out of our people.
The Enteral Feeding Project won OD project of the year. Before the project was implemented, patients with problems with their enteral tube had to be admitted to St George’s hospital. In April 2017 the RHN appointed Wendy Latham as a clinical nurse specialist. She worked with the dietetics team and ward champions to completely change the way that patients needing enteral feeding are managed, which has led to demonstrably better and more holistic care. The dietetics team are Emma Craig, Lydia Fletcher, Sadie Chentouf, Tanita Manton, Jennie Dunwoody and Selina Archer. Laura Chapman, ward manager, won the OD practitioner of the year award. She was nominated for her passion and drive nurturing and implementing humanised care and culture.

Our Human Resources team reached the final stages of OD team of the year.