New fundraising office opens
7 March 2017

The new fundraising office on the ground floor took almost £300 in donations on it’s first day, and saw a steady flow of volunteers and family members, tempted by the offer of free coffee and cake, dropping in to say hello.
The office has been opened to increase the visibility of the fundraising team, and the important work they do to raise £3.1 million every year. This money funds many of our services including Leisure and Family Services, music therapy, nurse escorts and has paid for hoists, wheelchairs and beds. The new office means that the fundraising team can engage more with families, volunteers and staff who would like to be involved with our charitable work or who would just like to find out more about what we do.
Legacy manager Isabel Barrett said,
“After just one day I can already see how valuable this little space is going to be, I’ve met some fascinating people and lots gave their ideas about different fundraising activities.”
The office will be opened Mondays – Thursdays generally between the hours of 9am and 4pm. We are currently looking for volunteers to help staff the office on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please let Isabel know if you’d like to help out.
In the meantime do pop by to say hello – there are still cakes and biscuits available!