Celebrating Excellence: Recognising Staff who Demonstrate Our Values

The RHN was thrilled to launch its first staff recognition scheme this week, which celebrates members of our workforce who consistently demonstrate our four key values in their roles at the RHN. These encompass seeing the whole person, willingness to learn, delivery on promises, and honesty and integrity.

The rolling scheme, which is open to nominations from staff, volunteers, patients, residents and families, aims to celebrate the outstanding contributions and achievements within our team. We were delighted to see a big turnout in nominations for our first quarter, with over 50 nominations from members all across the RHN community.

The winners and runners up from each category are decided by a panel of RHN staff from a wide range of disciplines, who met to carefully review the anonymised nominations. After thoughtful deliberation, they selected the winners and runners-up for each category.

The winner from each category received a certificate and letter of thanks from the Chief Executive, along with a £50 voucher. The two runners-up from each category also receive a letter of thanks and a £25 voucher.

Here are our winners, along with their nominations:

Seeing the whole person: Diana Skeete, Senior Occupational Therapist (Brain Injury Service)

“Diana goes above and beyond for all of her patients, seeing them and their family as a whole unit to support. She has recently had a very complex patient who required a lot of extra time, support and reassurance to complete any tasks. She spent a day making a roast gammon with him, which he would previously do prior to his brain injury, to gift to his family for Christmas. As part of his care, she also organised a very complex and complicated discharge to allow him to go home and live with his wife despite lots of risks.

She worked collaboratively and creatively to create a 5ft tall gate at the top of the stairs to prevent him from attempting them by himself – I have never seen this before and never would have thought it possible myself. Diana is always able to see her way around a problem to provide the best care and outcomes for her patients.”

Willingness to learn: Fariba Sarajzada, Clinical Educator

“Fariba has been open to so many new ideas and has adapted so well to her role in this team. She has been instrumental in driving up the quality and safety in relation to preceptorship of newly qualified nurses and in her special interest in seizure management. In both of these areas, Fariba has been open to new ideas and to new ways of doing things. She has challenged RHN tradition to really focus on driving up the quality of teaching, supervision and evaluation in both of these fundamental areas of clinical practice.

In relation to preceptorship, Fariba attained the prestigious NHSE Mark of quality, making the RHN the first independent hospital in England to achieve this award. Fariba’s journey of learning has enabled her to apply her new knowldge to clinical practice to benefit staff and patients and residents. The evaluations of her teaching in her new seizure management course are outstanding. She combines her learning as a teacher with the new area of subject matter to develop interesting and well researched programmes at the RHN.”

Delivery on promises: Ramona Parachiv, Staff Nurse (Devonshire Ward)

“Ramona actively listens to staff, families and patients. Ramona takes on board what people are asking/reporting and will provide a plan of how to deal with the situation. Ramona’s planning is inclusive of all parties and ensures she has considered all parties concerns however focusing and dealing with the problem at hand. Ramona ensures plans are patient focused and has an unbiased approach.

Ramona actions and achieves plans and is able to report back concrete information to the teams with outcomes or results. Ramona works well as an MDT staff member considering and respecting all team members. Ramona always fulfils promises of plans made. Ramona is passionate about her role. Ramona has a friendly and positive attitude towards all staff, patients and families.”

Honesty and integrity: Jobelle Baluis, Ward Manager (Wellesley Ward)

“What isn’t there to say about Jobelle? She has given staff the confidence to be upfront and honest no matter what it is, even when they may be feeling scared. Jobelle will tell you things straight in a polite way, without trying to belittle or embarrass you. She is the type of person who, if she makes mistakes, will have no issue in saying so, so that we can all learn. We are all human and will make mistakes. Jobelle is honest with patents and families, even when it is difficult. She is a first class manager.”

Well done to all of our winners, runners up, and nominees for exemplifying our core values in your work.

Do you know someone at the RHN who embodies our values? The Staff Recognition Scheme is a great way to appreciate and thank our employees and volunteers. If someone has positively impacted a patient, relative, or colleague by exemplifying our RHN values, you can nominate them by clicking the link below.

Nominate here